Abby's Road

Welcome to Abby's Road
An insight into my journey to the 2012 Olympic Games

Friday, June 25, 2010

Des Moines

I'm currently sitting in a hotel room at the luxurious StudioPlus in Des Moines, IA and by luxurious I mean that I'm pretty sure it used to be a assisted living facility that someone thought would make a excellent extended stay hotel. It has the weirdest dimensions for a hotel room I've ever seen. And there is this random huge space in the middle that my parents have lovingly coined  the "dance floor". Look at the picture if you think I'm exaggerating...

And yes, while in Des Moines, I'm staying with the rents. Can't beat the amenities that come complete with a personal chauffeur and the fact my mother is always trying to give me food so that I don't dare go hungry... well unless you weigh in the added stress levels of riding in the back seat as my father drives around a city he doesn't know with my mom acting as impromptu GPS... or that my dad gets more nervous than I do at big meets and usually is the bigger stressor than the meet itself, but overall I feel that once I make it to the meet, the stress is all downhill!

Meet Lonie and Norma

Believe it or not, my dad is actually behind that massive amount of facial hair. He grows it to mock me. The deal is that when I threw 18.50 he will trim it back to a man-size stache, but until then it remains. While there are many who think he will forever don the mammoth stache, I know it's days are numbered!


  1. Have Lon and Norm graced the dance floor yet?

  2. Lon is in style with the plaid.... well played sir
