Abby's Road

Welcome to Abby's Road
An insight into my journey to the 2012 Olympic Games

Sunday, November 28, 2010

wanting the need

I was asked an interesting question last week. "How did you know that you were capable of even trying to make the Olympic level when you weren't throwing well, what made you continue?" I had never really thought about it. I never really thought about what kept me going when most people and many people have given up from the places I've been. I was surprised that the words just shot out of my mouth. You see, I have had the dream of being an Olympian since the age of 5. I remember watching the opening ceremonies at home and laying in front of the TV enamored as I watched the gymnastics competition. I could feel my heart soar and I felt so alive during the time the Olympic would be covered on TV.  There never seemed to be an option in my heart, being there was what I needed to do. Originally I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast... laughing aside, it really was my dream. I had to change my plans of how to get the the big show, but the dream always remained that I NEEDED to get there. Since that young age, I have always felt a deep burning desire in my soul to be at the games. It was not a question of want, it has always been a necessity that I experience that in my lifetime. This is who I am, not what I hope to do.  It feels like it's been a part of me since I can remember and I must continue this journey until I find my way there. Even though I have never been there, the desire  to be there would best be described as the feeling of going home. Revisiting the place you grew up and being in the environment that helped to shape and define the person you are today.

So my advice to those who are struggling with having a desire in your heart and no clear way of getting there or idea of how to see it through, never stop listening to that voice. Following a dream that radiates throughout your soul is how you find who you really are and what you truly are capable of. No matter how difficult it may be, there is a reason it is there and the journey of going after it is when we find ourselves. Don't let anyone or anything tempt you away from it or tell you it can't be done.. even if that someone happens to be you. I feel there will be peace found when we all follow that voice and embrace the experiences that coincide the journey.. 

So I will continue my journey in hopes I find my way home and my wish is that you find yours too!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I am alive!

Wow it is hard to believe it is November! I hope that everyone is enjoying the changing of the seasons.. that is if you actually have changes in the season. Here in Texas it seems like it has gone from really hot to just mostly hot and sometimes it gets cool in the mornings. But we did experience some semi-fall weather recently and I ran to go find my winter gear because now I'm a baby when it comes to the "cold. I realized I haven't really experienced anything really cold in about 2 years since I spent last winter in the desert.

Lets see where do I start with what all that has happened since I last blogged..pheww. Well to make a loong story short. I started my training up again in late July, ended a relationship of 3 years, moved to South Austin, and was a genie with Loree Smith for Halloween. So that's the short of it. It's clear that the end of summer and beginning of fall has been a very difficult time for me emotionally and physically, but it has been an incredible time for self growth and discovery. I'm reminded of the process of forging steel. It is stressed and heated and beaten to shape it which results in a stronger piece for a specific purpose. I feel I've been being forged for some time now and I am finally on the up and up. I am now so much stronger in my shoes than I ever thought possible. My expectations for myself as an athlete and as a person are at levels that exceed what I used to dream. It is a very exciting time for me even though I am still pushing through some difficult things, I can see that everything that has happened is for a reason and has taught me something about myself. They are invaluable lessons that I know give me an edge in competition as well as everyday life.

In other news, Gus placed 4th at a weiner race in late September. So close to getting a trophy. I was soooo sad(probably inappropriately sad) we didn't get to take home a trophy, but they had a weiner dog on the top. ONE DAY I WILL HAVE ONE!!and by me of course I mean Gus.... I am also going to start work on a video collection of my fall training to give everyone out there an insight into my world. I hope to have it done by the holidays.. and lets remember that the key word in this statement is... hope ;o)

Hope everyone has safe travels during this Thanksgiving as well as a enjoyable and relaxing time! I definitely have much to be thankful for this year and am so very excited to spend time with my family.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

House hunting

Well, for the past 2 weeks I've been searching for my own place. Now you might think I'm getting all fancy on you by this statement, but really I'm looking for nicest, terrible apartment I can afford. So far things are not looking good. If the rent is decent, by the time you add in the deposits and fees, it's an outrageous up front cost. Many places want me to give them $300 pet deposit and a $150 pet fee... uhg.. I did recently find a room someone was renting. They were looking for a 22-34 year old female in a clothes optional living environment. I felt this would not be an appropriate place to raise Gus.. that and the fact I like to keep clothes on this bod.

So for now I continue on, continually amazed at the weirdo's you can find on craigslist and hoping to find a good deal in a decent location where clothing is not optional. Maybe I have high standards and expect too much..

Here is a random picture I thought I'd share that makes me laugh...

 This is Gus "hiding" from me.. I guess he's not quite as small as he thinks he is..or as small as he was suppose to be. oh well


In other news, I am back to training. I am excited for the near future. We've been working on a revolutionary concept.... please brace yourself for this folks... actually using my legs to throw the ball!!! Wowzers I know... yea something that most really successful people do. It's time I get in on that train and throw reallly far! I'm also happy with where my strength numbers are right now and it is exciting to me as to where I can get them over the fall.

I hope everyone is having a good summer!

Monday, July 5, 2010

You wants em, I've gots em.. T-SHIRTS!!

Well, I had my friend, Billy, make me some shirts for Nationals. My goal was to get some printed and throw them in the crowd in Des Moines. Track and field fans rarely, if ever, get rewarded for being there and encouraging all the athletes so I wanted to change this. Plus, I thought it would be a great opportunity to introduce myself and invite people to join me on the road to 2012! It was so awesome to have people cheer and shouting for me to throw them a shirt of ME! I had some other people interested in the shirts so I thought I'd post pictures. They are $10. If you would like one, just email me here

Front of shirt.. and yes that is ME on the front!!

Back of shirt

Disclaimer: I already have plans in the works for a more deluxe and visually appealing t shirt specifically geared for 2012.. but on second thought how much visually appealing does it get than my silhouette on the front of a shirt?!?!? I'm not sure when they will be available, if you simple can not wait or want both shirts, please contact me and I will get you properly fitted for your very own Abby Ruston apparel! 

Monday, June 28, 2010

The throw that wasn't

Well, there is so much I feel about Saturday and I find the words just don't seem to do is justice. I guess maybe to go back a bit and give a little more history would help paint a better picture of how I feel. As many of you probably know I completely changed training programs after indoors and went back to a program that I knew worked for me and my body. My first day back with James was March 15. I could tell by his disbelief in where I was physically and technically that it was going to take everything I had to pull this season around. I remember struggling and feeling so lost the first month or so. I could barely throw 15m with a 4k ball. All I kept hearing in my head was "what happened to me, how did it get this bad???" I was angry, hurt, scared, frustrated, but ultimately determined to turn it around. I knew if James had resurrected me and my throw once, he could and would do it again.

The second month showed signs of progress and moments of hope. Just enough moments of hope to keep be going but fleeting enough to keep me pushing harder. My distances began to increase and physically I began to feel explosive and athletic. Different things work for different people, but the simplicity and ingenuity of this program feels so perfect for complimenting both my strengths and weaknesses. I could feel the pressure of USA's looming on the back burner in my mind and knew that I had to continue to push. I knew that each day was critical and delicate to get me to where I know I was born to be. Having a 2 season long best at Tucson really got me fired up that great things could happen at USA's especially for how off I was from what I wanted to technically when I threw that 17m throw.

The 3rd month was a beautiful crescendo for me. FINALLY, after two years of fighting and working I was getting back to feelings in the ring and distances that I was at before I got hurt. I felt myself and that amazing liberation that comes from being in a throw. That flow that feels so effortless yet powerful and dynamic. I was in the right place doing the right things and it was just a matter of time and work before great things would/will happen.

Unfortunately, due to the major lack of repetitions a thrower needs to be able to hit a big throw at a big meet I was simply a casualty on Saturday. I mistimed my warm ups and started to technically fall apart throughout the meet. Although I showed moments in warm ups that it was going to be a good day, I was not able to hang on to it. It was the first time in several years that I had an almost meter better warm up throw than I did in actually competition. I think what hurt the most was that usually I can find something from somewhere inside and make it happen. Put one good throw together, but this time I fell short. I fully understand that I simply got too excited and had too much adrenaline and hadn't had the experience throughout the season to learn how to handle it. But MAN does this give me such a terrible taste in my mouth and in my soul. I think this is where we find ourselves. In the melting points, the ugly truths. This is what either breaks a person or makes a person. It's deciding how to handle and proceed with let downs like this. It's how a person chooses to respond and rise from it. To fully give every part of my life for 3 months and walk away with that distance associated with my names is very hard for me. Not to mention everything else I had gone through the first part of the season. James told me that in the long run this meet doesn't matter and that we are on to great things again and that to remember our ultimate goals. I still think it's funny how much a coach's words can do to help a situation and really remind of you the important things. I feel very clear and focused of what I want to and will do in the next 2-4 years of my career. I feel that for the first time I am ready mind, body and spirit.Watch out world because here I come!
Here I am at USA's with a T-shirt provided by the BEST cupcake 
place on the planet. HeyCupcake
The t-shirt reads
The breakfast of Champions"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Des Moines

I'm currently sitting in a hotel room at the luxurious StudioPlus in Des Moines, IA and by luxurious I mean that I'm pretty sure it used to be a assisted living facility that someone thought would make a excellent extended stay hotel. It has the weirdest dimensions for a hotel room I've ever seen. And there is this random huge space in the middle that my parents have lovingly coined  the "dance floor". Look at the picture if you think I'm exaggerating...

And yes, while in Des Moines, I'm staying with the rents. Can't beat the amenities that come complete with a personal chauffeur and the fact my mother is always trying to give me food so that I don't dare go hungry... well unless you weigh in the added stress levels of riding in the back seat as my father drives around a city he doesn't know with my mom acting as impromptu GPS... or that my dad gets more nervous than I do at big meets and usually is the bigger stressor than the meet itself, but overall I feel that once I make it to the meet, the stress is all downhill!

Meet Lonie and Norma

Believe it or not, my dad is actually behind that massive amount of facial hair. He grows it to mock me. The deal is that when I threw 18.50 he will trim it back to a man-size stache, but until then it remains. While there are many who think he will forever don the mammoth stache, I know it's days are numbered!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


This is usually where someone would probably say something like 'I've gotten a lot of requests and emails asking for video of me lifting' or something exciting like that.. but this has not been requested.. not yet that is. I like to think I'm just anticipating the request of the masses to see me in action..Hey, a girl can dream can't she ;o)

Throwing, training, and truit tart oh my!

I headed to Tucson a couple of weekends ago for my first outdoor meet… my first meet period in over 3 months. I had so many different emotions going through me and so many thoughts going through my head, but over all, for the first time in awhile, I was really excited about competing and seeing how far I could throw. The trip ended up being fantastic. I had the opportunity to spend some time with my parents who actually made the drive all the way from San Antonio!! They are so amazing and support me unconditionally! It was also really great to see my old training group (Loree, Kevin, Vikas and John). I felt good about my performance at the meet. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted to get out there and throw farther, but with everything that has happened this year, I felt that it was a giant step in the right direction. My confidence in my training only grew stronger by my improvements in the ring. I had a season best of 17.04 on the second day of competition. It was actually a 2 season long best. I hadn’t throw 17 meters in competition since 2008(sad, but true) Now I know that the process of an injury is much more about the recovery of the mind more so than the physical side. I did feel I missed a big opportunity that day. I had not felt that much energy and that fresh in so long. Plus the addition of a pre competition Americano took me to another level.. Unfortunately, since I was not used to it, I could hardly contain myself. I was a wreck. Thankfully, I was able to start getting a hold of myself in the 3rd round, but I felt I learned a good lesson in getting to know my body in a high intense situation. I felt I had much more in the tank, but never quite was under control. It had certainly been way too long since I’d felt that way, but I am so very happy that the feeling was back!

It’s been 3 months since I came back to Texas and I could not ask for more in my training or from my coach, James Parman. He has helped me fight through some lingering injuries as well has help me get my form in the ring. My support system has been there right when I have needed them and I believe I would have gotten lost along the way some time ago if not for them. I know that great things are to come and I really look forward to the hard work that it will take. All the blood, sweat, and tears and the character building along the way!

One more note. I do have a life outside of the ring(believe it or not!). So I will share a bit of my recent adventures. Well, more so to brag about quite an accomplishment. Being the end of May/beginning of June, it is the season of graduations. I recently had a friend graduate(Lana) and could not think of what to get her for graduation to say 'job well done'… then suddenly I had it…. A FRUIT TART!!! Somehow this makes sense in my mind as a gift. So three hours later there it was….

The miracle you have just observed is 100% from scratch!!! I even went out and purchased a special 'tart' pan.. I didn't even know they existed, but now I'm a proud owner. Dont' ask me why I can spend 3 hours baking and be completely happy, yet spending 30 minutes cooking a meal is a chore! Of course I had to have assistance. Well, I think in the over all scheme of things I was more of the assistant to pastry chef extraordinaire, Leigh!

Happy training!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Here's my very first documentary about my dog, Gus, competing in the Buda Wiener Racing Championships. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The last two years

The last two years of my life have been amazing. Most times people would use that word to describe a time of their life when they are on top of the world and can’t seem to lose. A time filled with happiness and success. My last two years, however, have been nothing like that. They have been filled with disappointment, self doubt, embarrassment, and near self destruction.  Even I find it funny that I would use that word, but I suppose I find a certain sense of beauty in the difficult road I’ve traveled.

It’s what I’ve learned from all the moments of self doubt that I find so purely beautiful. In the times I wanted to walk away from everything I’ve spent so much of my life pushing for. The frustration running so deep that I was scared I would never be able to climb out. The overwhelming hopeless feeling that I would never be able to get myself in order that felt like it had a permanent residence in my chest. But something kept be going. Sometimes I feel I never had a choice in terms of pursing my dream for the Olympics. There is something that pulls deep, deep inside me and keeps me going no matter how bad it gets. It has kept my dream alive even in my weakest hour. I always believed that I could still find a way to make it happen and that belief is grower stronger again for the first time in a long while. I now have even higher levels of expectations and goals. Not just to make teams, but to bring back medals to my country!

I feel a sense of invisibility. I feel battered and beaten, but I’m still on my feet and ready to give em hell. The sense of empowerment is hard to describe. I think that once you’ve hit the bottom, especially when it’s more than once, you aren’t as scared of all the 'what if’s' because you know that worst case scenario you are strong enough to fight back. And truth be told, things can always be worse. You find out what you are made of, what you can take, what you will take, and how much something really means to you. I feel that I’ve been stuck in the mud and this process has helped sift me out. Now what remains is my passion, my determination, and my clear vision. Nothing else really matters when it comes to self. 

I’ve also found who really matters to me, those that stood by me when I was at some low moments of my life, those special people who have and will always believe in me. They mean the world to me. Then there are the others who I thought believed and supported me. Although I could feel the cold as they turned their backs and I lost their belief, it was those moments that I had to rely on myself and my own inner belief. Even though I had others around, I relied on myself for the first time and knew that I was able. I believe that is what has gotten me to this moment.

I recently realized that I needed to let go. I needed to let go of all the regret and stop the daydreaming of what if 2008 had ended differently. I’m finding it easier to say than do. Though I do describe this process as beautiful, it has been incredibly painful. It has been hard to let it go, but I feel that even the realization for the need for change has helped lead me to let it go. For the first time, I feel that I am on to a new chapter in my life. I feel that the bad times are behind me and I am excited to face this new chapter in training and in life. Recently I have found myself repeated this mantra to myself “Do not let fear dictate” meaning that no matter what happens the rest of my career and life, I will not allow fear take the lead, I will take the reigns and do what is in my heart. If I'm going for a heavy lift or need a big throw or just belief in myself, I will give everything I have and not be distracted by that little voice in my head asking if I can really do it. I may fall flat on my face or I may succeed, but either way I will have the pride in myself for going after it full force. Every time I say it, I can feel my confidence and determination grow. I will be in charge and will face fear head on. I will not be scared of failing, rather excited for the opportunity at hand. Someone once said that fear is present when the opportunity for something great is at stake. I see that there are two choices you can make. Focus on the fear and let it crush you or to use the fear to propel you to greatness. I choose to take my chance at the latter. 

Happy training

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Newest viral video!

So I have some free time last night. The following clip is the accumulation of brilliant ideas meeting opportunity!

Hope you enjoy this as much as I think you should

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The 27th Year

Well, it's that time of the year again. The day of my birth. Yes, it was 27 years ago yesterday that I came into this world. My mom says the first time she saw me I was sticking my tongue out and was clinching my hands into little fists. I think it was a very fitting first impression and my mom knew she was in store for a wild ride. I had a fantastic day yesterday thanks to my friends and family. It started off with a trip to my favorite place to have breakfast(best meal of the day!) and it included a slice of cake. It will be hard to not include a piece of cake to my regular breakfast routine, but then again I don't think I can train with the extra 100lbs I'm sure I'd gain.  Some of my friends and a special someone arranged a group of us to go play sand volleyball and hang out and have some adult beverages. I have been known to be indifferent towards sand volleyball in the past. Probably because of the amount of activity that one has to exert to play. I was pleasantly surprised yesterday because it was a blast probably because my team kept winning ;o) Yes, the competitive side never sleeps! We then headed over to a friends and hung out by the pool. My day was made when I was given the opportunity to ride a cooler.. oh yes. You heard me. I rode a cooler! A motorized cooler complete with drink holder and handle bars!

I did test the limitations of the motor and there was a point in which my friend had to push me along since I ran the battery so low. I'm now thinking about asking my inventor father to build me a deluxe, gas powered cooler. I will keep you posted! It was an incredibly fantastic birthday and I appreciate all those who made it possible ;o)

In other news, it has been so nice to be back home and around friends and family. Training has been going very well and I have no complaints. It is so nice and comforting to be back on my old lifting program and training with James Parman once again. He is such a brilliant coach and I finally feel that with some of my newly gained maturity, our communication is where it needs to me to get me where I know I can be. I look forward to the next couple of weeks and will keep you updated with my progress!

Oh AND my birthday cake was lots of cupcakes from my favorite place of sweet treats Hey Cupcake!! AMAZING!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The looooonnng trip home

So, there I was at 8 30pm on a Monday night doing circles around the sky harbor airport trying to find heather, my bestie who had just flown the 1000 miles we were about to drive. After about 3 good laps, I finally saw her! I'm guessing I was pretty easy to find considering I was creeping along complete with u-haul in tow! I knew things were gonna be interesting because within seconds of heather entering the car she already broke something... see image below for proof of said occurrence!

So we set out on the open road of IH-10. No air blowing through out hair since it was cold outside and basically no scenery since it was night time. Heather had made some requests prior to the trip. The diva inside of her demanded  there be caffeine in the truck that should be handed to her as soon as she entered the truck. I decided to stop by the most favorite coffee shop my lil heart has ever known.. Lux coffee. I will spare you the gush fest of how much I adore this place... I picked up the necessary caffeine prior to picking up heather. About an hour into the drive all three drinks were consumed. I obviously participated since we were starting the trip close to what is my normal bedtime. By the time we got to In-n-out burger I was feeling really good and alert.  I consumed a burger... then I was sleepy. We filled up one last time with gas before we were really going to hit it hard(my paranoia for running out of gas in the desert was at an all time high) After ignoring the multiple warnings from heather on the dangers of '(mountain) dew mouth',  I decided to purchase a much needed mountain dew! After hours on the road and being passed my countless 18-wheelers it was 2am and we pulled into our luxurious accommodations of Days INN in Deming, New Mexico.

The above picture represents what heather deemed necessary for the night: an ENTIRE backpack. And to the right, my bare necessities: phone, wallet, toothbrush, keys, and mouth guard(yes, i am an aggressive sleeper). After thinking I saw some kind of alien life form lurking in the shadows of our room and being creeped out for an hour, I was finally asleep. Heather's alarm decided that it wanted to stay on central time so 5 am was our wake up call instead of the intended 6 am! All in all, I got a solid 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I've taken cat naps longer than that!

So after a belly full of instant oatmeal we were off! In desperate need of a starbucks, we searched and searched... we ended up waiting 150 miles before we actually found one that was convenient to stop at. By that time, we were in El Paso. Heather was so fascinated with that fact that she could actually see Mexico. Although she took that a little too far when about 2 hours later she said 'I can't believe that is Mexico' and I had to inform her that indeed that was just part of Texas with run down housing. So mile after mile we went. Looking for gas once again. Van Horn, Tx.. we had to go to 3 different gas stations to actually find gas. Although there seemed to be a shortage of gasoline in that town, there was certainly not a shortage of meth judging by all the meth mouth that we saw.

I was so thankful to have heather along side of for the journey. Not only for her fun times in company, but also for the fact that driving that alone would have been a terrible experience.. yes my dad was right when he very strongly encouraged me have a co-pilot. Heather ended up driving most of the 2nd day. In fact, she waited till she had almost drove half way exactly to inform me that there was a competition going for who drives the longest. Needless to say I told her to pull over and let me drive. She refused and all that I can say is that the competitive side got the best of me... We had to pull over because I desperately needed to use the restroom and we also needed gas. I felt this was it. My only chance to come back and win the improtu compeition. The score was heather 9.5 hours of driving and me at 6.5 hours of driving. There was about 3 hours of drive time left. I knew I had a chance! We went into the store and I knew I needed to get the keys. Heather saw me looking at them and I had given away my end game.DAMN! Heather quickly grabbed them and held them with a deaths grip closer to her.. I knew this would be difficult. I had made my finally attempt at getting them as we walked back to the car. I leaned in for them and was denied. It was a terrible, desperate attempt and she grabbed them and laughed at me. I felt all hope was long... until I remembered something. A card that I had yet to play. Heather and I had wanted to get lotto tickets before the end of the trip because you never know! We had failed to get them at the previous stops and this was our final chance to get them before the end of the trip. I asked her to go get some knowing full well what I was going to do. She took the keys and went inside. I then moved at a speed I was not aware that I could travel. I searched for and found my HIDE-A-KEY!! I unlocked the door and had the truck started before heather could get back! She got back in the car and gave me quite a look. Then we both laughed for about 10 mins. We are both ridiculously competitive. To be fair, in the end heather beat me by 15mins!! ahhggg the pains of defeat. After 24 hours from starting the trip, we drove 20 hours of that and I was finally back HOME!!

 This is heather and I pretending to dip with turkey jerky... yea... we had been on the road about 7 hours at this point....


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Going Home

It seems everyone has their own special journey in life. No one is on the same path. You may be similar, but everyone has a unique path that they have traveled and will continue to travel. I think that individuality it what makes the journey so exciting and at times, so scary. It was about 9 months ago that I first decided that moving to Arizona was the right choice for me. I was at a crossroads with my throwing. The devastation with how the 2008 season ended left me so empty. I felt that I had everything I needed and was exactly where I needed to be a month before the trials. One day as I was throwing, I subluxed my left shoulder. I'm still not sure how that is even possible, but it happened and I had to take a week off. I resumed training and things were again looking so good that it seemed I would really have to have a terrible day to not make the team. I don't' say that in some ego driven delirium, but in the fact I had thrown 60 in practice and usually added at least half a meter in meets. Exactly one week from the day I would throw at the trails I was walking down stairs outside and there was a rock I didn't' see. Needless to say I caught my foot on it and really hurt my left foot. I displaced a bone and torn some stuff in there.  Walking was hard and there was pain with every step. I convinced myself that I was ok and could still do it anyway. In fact, I didn't go to a doctor or want anyone to x-ray it because I did not want to hear that anything was wrong.. even though it was pretttyyyy obvious. They taped my foot so much for the trials that it was basically a soft cast. I gave every, single thing I had in that meet and it wasn't enough. I still  remember sitting on a bench after my final throw.  A feeling like someone had punched me in the stomach sank deeper and deeper. Although I wanted to cry my eyes out, I was too frozen to do so. I was so completely disappointed in myself and couldn't quite believe that what had happen was real. I felt so worthless. The feeling took me much longer than I originally thought to completely shake myself free of. It followed me throughout the 2009 season. Even thought I had physically healed, mentally I was in no man's land. I realized that I needed to make a choice. I could be done with throwing and regret being so close to a dream without ever having it realized or I could move 1000 miles away and take a chance.

A chance I did take! I was right. Arizona was exactly what I needed. I was able to get away from the funk and doubt in my head. I was able to remember why I love training and throwing so much. The new environment slowly, but surely brought me back to the place inside where I truly believe in myself. The addition of being able to train with Loree Smith really took my self belief to a new level. She has an incredible drive. Such a competitive and eager to learn spirit. It is hard not to catch that same mentality and go with it. The way we challenged each other so much everyday. It was such a good thing for me. In the past, I was too afraid to constantly challenge people because I was afraid of failing. So I held back and that hesitation fostered a great deal of self doubt. Something in my head always told me that I was never born with enough talent to be at the top in the world. Something always told me I wasn't good enough. Something inside always held me back in terms of what I am ultimately capable of. Training with her and being able to get to know her and her drive changed that. It really did change me. Although she has been born with such incredible physical abilities and is the most talented female athlete I have ever seen, she ultimately taught me that I do have talent and I was born with what it takes to rise to the top. What I lack in height, I can make up for in power and speed. After all, it is only a 4kg ball(8.8lbs) that I throw. Anything else I lack I can make up for in pure determination and superior, efficient training. For the first time in my life, my expectations and possibilities for myself are not restrained. I not only want to make Olympic teams, I want to bring back shiny things from them! I am aiming for the top because if others can do it so will I... but better of course!

Last Thursday, I felt something strike a chord inside of me. It was a very powerful and clear moment. Although I'm not sure many will understand or appreciate it, I decided that things were not quite working out for me in Arizona anymore. I needed to go home and continue my training with James Parman. I talked with many people before taking any action my friends, family, and of course training partner, Loree. They all supported me and told me that I needed to do what was best for me and what was going to make me happy. I knew that what I was feeling was right. I then talked to John. He was very understanding of everything and supported my decision. Financially, it will cost be the same if I would have stayed till the end of the year or go home now due to the contract I signed with him. I booked a flight for one of my best friends to come out and drive back with me. She flew in Monday night. I picked her up from the airport and we hit the road. We drove into Deming, New Mexico about 2 am. Slept and got up at 6 am for the final day. When we finally made it we calculated that in the past 24 hours we had driven for 20! Of course we were both proud!
So I am back home in Austin, Texas. Although I will miss training in Arizona and miss my training partner Loree, I am very excited about training back home and incorporated all the good things I learned into my training. I will start it up again on Monday and keep you all updated! Because I know you are all dying to know every detail and status about my life!

It has been a long and incredibly enlightening journey so far and I'm sure will only get more interesting with time! I thank you all so much for the support. The belief that you show me by even reading this and being interested in my throwing has kept me going when throwing seemed so dim. So I thank each and everyone of you and I look forward to this new chapter with lots of FAR THROWS!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

He's a other dudes!

The names in the following story have been edited to protect the innocent....

I experienced quite a phenomenon last night. It was "throwers night out" so Loree, Mikas, and MP all dolled up for a night on the town. Loree and I showed up about 10pm to pick up the boys. Mikas opens the door wearing a t shirt and b-ball shorts. MP is laying on the couch playing on his computer...not ok. We had already stressed the importance of them being ready when we got there so we could get going. They were dragging their feet so much leading up to us going over there that when they opened the door NOT even close to ready.. the doubts that they would actually be going out soon began to grow. As Loree and I entered, we noticed a bottle of vodka on the counter.. clearly someone had been having some drinks. It was soon evident that it was Mikas who had been hitting the booze. He ran to his room and got ready in a world record time. We then sat around convincing MP that he needed to go get ready and experience an American night on the town. We sat around and watched as MP and Mikas started to have some drinks. The boys NEVER drink so the alcohol quickly ran its course and they actually began being fun ;o) One side note, while we were there MP was so hospitable. He offered Loree and I his chicken salad and juice. Apparently this is how they roll in his culture. It was a sweet and appreciated gesture and yes when you offer food to both Loree and I you can guarantee that food will be eaten!

"Man Love"
So we all pile into Mikas' 1997, power saturated,  Toyota Avalon and headed to Devil's Martini. Immediately upon entering the club Mikas was asked if he was a professional athlete. He said 'discus' awkwardly as he passed the guy which seemed to more confuse the man rather than answer any sort of question. We got our first drinks and began to observe the scene. MP at this time was really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and grabbed Loree to head to the dance floor. Mikas and I knew this was going to be interesting so we grabbed a chair to watch a 6'6, 300lb Indian try his take on hip hop music for the first time. There was lots of pointer finger dancing! Loree and I both began to notice the effect that Mikas and MP had on the males at the club. I'm not sure if it they were being bombarded by man crushes or true love, but in the span of about 1 hour and a half there were 5 diferent guys who came up to both Mikas and MP to show their "love". There was lots of arm grabbing to feel the guns, tons of comments about how MP could make millions in the NFL even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't really know the rules of the game, and there was even a very odd moment when MP REALLY begin to feel the effects of the alcohol and he was dancing alone on the dance floor. One guy kinda just stood there watching him and soon moved in and began dancing with MP. Yes huge indian dude and some random Scottsdale local grooving on the dance floor. To be fair, MP was in his own world completely oblivous to the guy and there was about 3 feet that separated them, but the thoughts that were running through in the other guys head.. I do not trust! Loree and I watched in both horror and astonishment at the unbelievable love factor that everyone had for the boys! I suppose you live and learn.. and then you see things like I did.....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

USA Indoor Championship Recap... re-posted

So I was lazy and didn't want to give two recaps.. it's all about energy conservation! So I posted this which is from my email newsletter updates. I have been sending out email updates for the past 6 months or so if anyone is interested in reading some of the older ones. just let me know. Here is the update I just sent out on the USA Indoor Championships........

I wanted to give you all a recap of my USA Indoor Championship meet. Let me take you back to the week leading up to the meet. My loving and supportive parents drove in from Texas on Monday so that we could visit and spend some time together before the meet. Tuesday morning I had a throwing practice and nothing much was out of the ordinary. I remember finishing my last throw and going over to talk to my mom. That's when the week took a weird turn. I noticed both her sock and shoe were off and she was examining her foot. I told her that it was time to go and she then looked up to me and said that her foot felt "funny" and she "thought" that she might have done something to her foot. I, having no medical experience or much knowledge, decided to take a look. It was pretty clear, as it would be to any layperson, that my mom was missing something, something very important. There was a gap missing in the back side of her ankle. During my mom's awalk around the track she somehow managed to severely injure her Achilles tendon. For those of you not familiar with that tendon, it's what connects basically all of your leg function into your foot so that you can walk. Once you rupture it, even partially, walking is no longer an option. It was clear at that time that my mom's track career was in jeopardy ;o) But for those of you who know my mom know that she is such a brave woman and such a fighter. Sometimes a little too stubborn. I realized immediately that she needed to see a doctor. That's when the previously mentioned stubborn factor comes into play. She attempted to brush it off and say that she would be fine. She encouraged me to just go on to the lifting portion of my workout. Even though she was in pain and worried about her leg, she would not show it and did not want to interfere with my training. Obviously, I would have none of this. My dad and I forced her to go to the hospital and it was confirmed that she had ruptured it. They put her in a soft cast and sent us on our way. During the three hour wait in the ER, I began to not feel so well. It felt like the onset of the flu. I knew that this was going to be an interesting week! Thankfully, the injury did not have my mom in too much pain and even though she tried feverishly to rebel against the crutches, she gradually adjusted to them and was able to move around better. The rest of the week was very stressful for me. I worried very much about her and my cold was getting worse. I actually think I got another cold on top of the first one! When it rains, it pours! I finally made it to New Mexico and was able to watch my roommate, Loree Smith, dominate in the weight throw. She had her top championship finish and a near personal best. I was very fired up to finally get to compete. I didn't care about what had or hadn't happened in training or doing that week. I knew that if I executed that I could have a great meet. I woke up that day and felt good I had the same nervousness that I usually get for big meets. Warm ups went good and it was finally ready to compete. I had a couple of throws that I believe would have been my best of the year, but couldn't quite get a whole throw together. I gave it my all last Sunday, but it wasn't quite enough. I did walk away with a good feeling. The last year and a half has been very mentally draining for me. I finally feel I am gaining my confidence again and ready to make a statement! I finished in 6th place at the meet. I feel that considering the injury to my back as well as the lack of consistent training due to the dramatics from my back, I am happy with that performance. Dont' get me wrong, it made me sick to lose. I hate losing. I think the reason I had peace with the results is that there was a very strong feeling inside that told me soon, I would be the victor! I'm very excited for the outdoor season as well as the years to come. I will be back in Texas the first part of April. I will be competing at Texas Relays on Saturday, April 3rd if anyone is interested in coming to watch. I'm not too sure the rest of my outdoor schedule at the moment, but the USA Outdoor Championships will be at the end of June.

I want to thank all of your so very much for all of your support. I particularly would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Charlie Schuchardt and Mr. Tim Horny as well as the rest of the Antonian Alumni Association. I can never thank you all enough for all your support and belief in my abilities! I look forward to making you all proud!

Here is a clip of me throwing at the meet. This is the throw I felt could have been the best if I could have gotten it off my hand.

Until the next time,


PS. My mom is scheduled to have surgery Tuesday(March 9th) to repair her Achilles. It was a partial tear and the surgery will help it to heal faster and get it the closest to its original state. After all her rehab, she should be back to her normal, active self!

The beginning of the...well beginning

Here I am. The world of blog. I've heard so many  things about it and finally.. I have joined the dark side. I'm not sure this will be a long entry as there is a two year old yelling at me to look at him because he has  spoon in his mouth, my left eye feels like its' going to burst out of my head soon and I still need to go throw. Oh yes, throwing. My saving grace. Sometimes I wonder where I would be without it. Without what it's taught me and what I've learned about myself. I love it and yet.. sometimes i hate it ;o) But I wouldn't change it. There is that yelling about the spoon again.. I take that as a sign of my exit..

Post #1 check!

Again... still more yelling.. yes there is s spoon in your mouth... ta da!