Abby's Road

Welcome to Abby's Road
An insight into my journey to the 2012 Olympic Games

Thursday, July 22, 2010

House hunting

Well, for the past 2 weeks I've been searching for my own place. Now you might think I'm getting all fancy on you by this statement, but really I'm looking for nicest, terrible apartment I can afford. So far things are not looking good. If the rent is decent, by the time you add in the deposits and fees, it's an outrageous up front cost. Many places want me to give them $300 pet deposit and a $150 pet fee... uhg.. I did recently find a room someone was renting. They were looking for a 22-34 year old female in a clothes optional living environment. I felt this would not be an appropriate place to raise Gus.. that and the fact I like to keep clothes on this bod.

So for now I continue on, continually amazed at the weirdo's you can find on craigslist and hoping to find a good deal in a decent location where clothing is not optional. Maybe I have high standards and expect too much..

Here is a random picture I thought I'd share that makes me laugh...

 This is Gus "hiding" from me.. I guess he's not quite as small as he thinks he is..or as small as he was suppose to be. oh well


In other news, I am back to training. I am excited for the near future. We've been working on a revolutionary concept.... please brace yourself for this folks... actually using my legs to throw the ball!!! Wowzers I know... yea something that most really successful people do. It's time I get in on that train and throw reallly far! I'm also happy with where my strength numbers are right now and it is exciting to me as to where I can get them over the fall.

I hope everyone is having a good summer!


  1. Hey Abby, try Craigslist? but don't get the psycho's for a roommate, there are some gems on there if you look hard enough...or trying looking for rooms through churches, cause i know sometimes they have the ins...good luck!
    Amy B, ACP

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